


I couldn't resist.
I had to snicker at the news about recent "Apocalypse" prediction.
 (You can actually see the "believer's" website here
It is...um...shall we say interesting
*coughcoughweirdcough* I wouldn't waste too much time there.)

The crisis I must fear is no longer May 12, 2012.
The date has been moved up.
This Saturday-as in tomorrow, May 21, 2011-
is now "Judgement Day".
The beginning of the end of the world.
Apparently May 21 2011 marks exactly 7000 years since the flood.


Just in case I don't make it to the righteous group, 
 (being not spared from observing this awful calamity on Earth)
and have to stay here with the dead that will rise, living again, 
(the dreaded ZOMBIES!)
I've got my 72-hour emergency supplies kit ready-
for this,
or any other emergency that may come my way.

Are YOU prepared?

(Please, visit this site for a humorous, yet sensible article about how to be prepared.
For Real Emergencies, that is.)
Now, if you would please be so kind as to excuse me while I go research appropriate zombie deterrents/weapons to increase my preparedness level. kthanksbye

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